Practice Areas

Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce consists of a team of professionals who are trained in the Collaborative Process to assist you and your partner in achieving the results you want from your divorce, without court intervention and the expense that comes with litigation.  Ms. Kimes understands that some people would prefer to handle their divorce outside the courtroom. That’s why Ms. Kimes works with other Collaborative Divorce Professionals, as needed, to assist couples in ending their marriages with respect and dignity. Leslie L. Kimes, Brooklyn Park Collaborative Divorce Attorney, provides the personalized service you deserve and the respect and compassion you need to make the process more bearable.

Other neutral Collaborative Divorce Professionals who may be needed to help you and your partner through the process may include: 

  • Collaborative Divorce Family Specialist is a neutral mental health professional who helps parents  customize parenting plans and schedules in the best interests of your children.
  • Collaborative Divorce Financial Specialist is a CPA or a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) and works on gathering all the financial information to help create Balance Sheets, reasonable budgets and support packages which are in the best interest of both parties involved and the minor children, if any.
  • Collaborative Divorce Coach is a neutral mental health professional who can assist the parties with handling intense emotions so conflict resolution can better be achieved.  Divorce is not just a legal and financial event, but is an emotional, family, and parenting event as well.  The Collaborative Divorce Coach monitors both the emotions and the specific content of a case, and has the skills and understanding to respond directly to conflicts stemming from family and collaborative team dynamics through their systemic neutrality and ability to understand and resolve conflicts. The Collaborative Divorce Coach helps families build the healthiest possible foundation for the future.

Parenting Time and Child Support

Legal conflicts involving family relationships can be complex and emotionally charged, especially when children are involved. If you need legal representation related to child support in Brooklyn Park, MN, you need an attorney you can trust. Leslie L. Kimes, Collaborative Divorce Attorney wants to help you reach a successful resolution of your child support case, and will work hard to provide the personalized, attentive service you deserve.

Compassionate Representation

Child-related legal matters can be devastating. That’s why Leslie L. Kimes, Attorney at Law does everything possible to create a positive resolution to your child support or parenting time case while minimizing stress and expense. Leslie L. Kimes, Collaborative Divorce Attorney will handle your case with the utmost professionalism and compassion while working to protect your best interests.

Our philosophy is that clients come first. If you’re involved in a parenting time or child support matter, Leslie L. Kimes, Collaborative Divorce Attorney is here to help. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

Alimony/Spousal Maintenance

When determining if a party should receive spousal maintenance, the Court considers how long the parties were married, the assets, debts and income of the person seeking spousal maintenance and the assets, debts and ability of the other party to pay spousal maintenance, the educational and training levels of both parties and the standard of living during the marriage of the parties.

Spousal maintenance can be awarded as permanent or temporary.  In the case of either type of maintenance, it can be modified if there are significant changes in the circumstances of either party, such as job loss or illness.

Adoption / Step-parent Adoption

Adopting a child is one of the most wonderful things you can do. However, while taking in a non-biological child is exciting, it is also a major legal commitment. For this reason, the adoption process can be long and even frustrating if you don’t understand the legal steps you have to take.

If you’re in the midst of adopting a child or planning to go through the process of adoption, an experienced adoption lawyer can help. Whether you’re trying to adopt a child through a local adoption agency, an international agency, or through a stepparent adoption, an adoption lawyer can ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible. Leslie L. Kimes, Collaborative Divorce Attorney can help you in a number of important ways, including:

  • Representing you at court hearings
  • Communicating with adoption agencies on your behalf
  • Drafting and filing all necessary legal documents

Leslie L. Kimes, Attorney at Law welcomes the opportunity to help you add to your family through the gift of adoption. Contact us today to learn more about the legal services Leslie L. Kimes, Attorney at Law can provide in connection with agency and stepparent adoptions.

